Tuesday 15 December 2009

Christmas - The best chance of the year

Don't you just love Christmas?  I must admit I haven't done any Christmas shopping, haven't sent my cards out yet, haven't been able to get all the invites out for our outreach this Sunday (I've been ill) and still have a million things to do before Christmas is here.   I should be stressed or something but I am in an amazing state of calm as I write this blog.  Maybe it's still the cold & flu drugs I've been taking or maybe it's the peace of the Lord.  I firmly believe the latter.
And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:9-11
That said I do have to get the Outreach sorted for this Sunday.  It's called "Candlelit Cafe".  We'll be having mulled wine, candlelight, carols and a few Bible readings and a little gospel talk by me.  We want to make a cosy, relaxed Christmas meeting, where people feel warmly welcomed and have a great time. 

This Sunday coming is probably the best Sunday of the year to get people into our churches.  That gives us a few Christmas challenges.

1.  Will we invite our neighbours to our Christmas specials or will we assume that they won’t want to come?
 There's something about singing carols in church that feels very Christmassy (I know that sounds obvious).  People love to get into the Christmas vibe and believe it or not Church is still the best pace to do it, even in this western secular society. 

You may have Muslim neighbours.  Don't let that put you off.  Last year a friend of mine invited her Muslim colleague to a Church Nativity.    She was so excited to attend and afterwards said, "That was the first time I've been invited to a Christmas activity!"  She had a great time.  The nativity isn't a stumbling block to a Muslim.  That lady hasn't become a Christian but my friend has been invited into her home for Muslim celebrations and their friendship has developed.

Go on invite that person you are sure wont come.  Maybe the reason they will never come is simply because you'd never ask them?   We can't be blamed if they say "no", but we can if we never ask.

2.  Will we remember to recognise the new people in Church this Sunday and make them feel extra welcome?
Even if you don't get anyone to come to church this week, don't worry.  Instead be aware that new people will be there.  Keep an eye out, say hello, find them a good seat, introduce them to your friends and generally be nice.

A warm welcome is the most important thing newcomers need when they come into our churches.  Yes, yes I know they need the Gospel, but let's not put barriers in the way of them hearing it.
3.  Will we take the opportunity to point people to the cross and not just the manger? 

And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed(and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed." Luke 2:34-35
To those of us who are speaking this weekend, the temptation is to just be light and simple.  People have come to hear about a baby and what can be more inoffensive than a baby?  We don't want to offend anyone, but we don't want them to think that all Jesus was, was a baby.  Let's pray for wisdom, grace and clarity, so that people will hear and understand how important Jesus is.

Let's take up these challenges and pray that God changes lives this Christmas.

Please pray for the Candlelit Cafe.  I'll let you know how it goes.


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