Monday, 20 September 2010

Two stories to inspire

As you know I am currently on a church planting course called "The Fall Intensive" by Redeemer: City to City in New York.  We are on our second week and it's been amazing so far.  As part of the course we get to meet some of New York's church planters, to hear their stories and ask them questions about what it's like to plant in a major urban City.  Here are two stories that particularly inspired me.

1. Jon Tyson: A vision of church

When Jon arrived to preach at one of Trinity Grace’s sister churches, he felt God tell him to pay attention to what was going on around him.  So he picked himself up and watched.  He was greeted at the door by a member of the church who was obviously homeless.  This rough looking homeless man was on the Welcome team handing out church notice sheets as people came in.  Jon moved further in the church and looked back to take a second look at what God’s grace was doing at this moment. 

Then in came the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.  This woman was a model and very classy.  Then the model and the homeless man greeted each other by name and then gave each other a real big hug.  Jon then watched as these two friends chatted and shared there weeks with each other then both walked up the stairs and into the service.
"Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all." Colossians 3:11
Jon used this story to illustrate the awesome radical social power the church has.  No other human society has the kind of message that can unite and bring together vagabonds and models!   The church is God’s vehicle for Gospel centred cultural transformation.

Let’s pray our churches don’t become cliques for like minded and socially acceptable people.
"For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility..." Ephesians 2:14
2. JR Vassar: God’s call

Before JR was planning on church planting in NYC he was looking else where.  He started by putting pins in maps in all of the major cities in the US.  He prayed, fasted and sought wisdom from Godly friends.  One day JR asked a friend, “If you could plant a church in just one city in America where would it be?” It didn’t take long for his friend to say “New York!” To which JR replied, “Where would you second choice be?”  New York was the last place he wanted to take his family.

A while later JR and his wife set their minds on Seattle as the place to go.  He planned a recon trip to start networking with leaders in Seattle.  But a few days before he was to go his friend called and asked JR to travel to NY with him for a few days.  JR thought, “why not a free trip to NY? Then I’ll get started in Seattle.”  JR went to NY and met many people who lived, worked and ministered in the city.

On his return home his friend asked, “Well will you consider New York?” JR immediately replied “No!”  His friend enquired why and JR replied, “New York is a dangerous city!  I can’t take my wife and children there it will destroy my family!”  His friend didn’t press the point but asked JR to keep his options open.
New York now firmly out of the picture JR travelled to Seattle to do his recon.  On his first day there he was reading the story of the 12 spies in his quiet time and came across these verses:
Then the men who had gone up with him said, "We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we are."  Numbers 13:31
"Why is the LORD bringing us into this land, to fall by the sword? Our wives and our little ones will become a prey. Would it not be better for us to go back to Egypt?" Numbers 14:3
He then realised that his criteria for where he should plant and of keeping his family safe was based on a wrong perspective of the call and power of God.

Five years ago JR moved to New York with his family and together they started Apostles Church NYC.  The church is growing strong by God’s grace and the are about to plant their third congregation. Oh yeah… and JR’s family are thriving in New York!

Lord, when you ask us to do the impossible help us to say with Caleb:

"Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it." Numbers 13:30
Forgive me Lord for running from your amazing mission to reach the hardest and darkest places in the world.   May we always remember ho much God loves our cities!

Let me end by saying thank you to all the church planters we’ve met on the Fall Intensive.  Your stories, honesty and call have been inspirational, challenging and a great encouragement.


Saturday, 4 September 2010

The core of church planting from the Big Apple

Hi everyone! I just wanted to make a post to say, we've arrived safely in New York.  Well we're actually in New Jersey but from where I'm sitting we have amazing views of NY.  I am looking over the Hudson and can see a lot of the cityscape including the Empire State building (as well as other landmarks we don't know yet).  We're staying in a new apartment building called 70 Greene.  It's much nicer than we expected and on the 43rd floor! But I'm not in NY for the stunning views and high rise apartments.
"On this earth we don't have a city that lasts forever, but we are waiting for such a city." Hebrews 13:14 
As I look over the city I am realising in a new way that planting a new church here is a completely different challenge to planting one in East London.  So why come here?  I hope to find the core of what it takes to plant a church in any major city.  That's what the Fall Intensive is all about.  The people are different, the houses are different and the economies are different... But the Jesus & His gospel is aways the same.

Redeemer is a church based in NYC with lead Pastor Tim Keller.  They have not only helped plant churches in many of the diverse communities in NY but have also done the same in many churches across the world.  I believe what I will learn here will help me trust in Jesus more and help me with vision and practical tools to plant our little church back in Bonny Downs (the best community in the world!).

At the same time however, I don't want to get sucked into the dream that "plans" or "strategies" are what you need to really plant a church.  I've heard all sorts of different ideas for what you "need" to plant a church and every time they offer success if you follow them properly.  However, the bottom line is not "strategy" is the saviour of church planting...  Jesus is the only saviour!  

That's what Redeemer is all about and that's why I'm here! 
