This Week at the Well (our sending church) I had the privilage of preaching on Matthew 19:16-30. This is the will known story of the rich young ruler who comes to Jesus to ask, "What good deed must I do to get eternal life?"
1 - Lose your RELIGION
And behold, a man came up to him, saying, "Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?" Matthew 19:16At the heart of this young man's question is a business transaction. He wants a product "eternal life" there is only one possible vendor "God" and so He sets the price. In order to buy eternal life you need to pay God lots of good deeds. If you store up enough credit then eternal life is given to you.
If we see our faith as a business deal it will cause us many problems. First when things go wrong in our life we might blame God and say, "I kept my end of the bargain God, why aren't you?" Or we might blame ourselves and say, "If only did more then God wouldn't be punishing me!" But the biggest problem is that we are not making Jesus our saviour we are making ourselves our saviour. Jesus may be our dealer or shop keeper but we pay for our salvation with our own efforts. Notice the man asked "What must I do?" He's not trusting in God's goodness, grace or love, he's trusting in his own ability to save himself.
This way of approaching God can only lead us to uncertainties. If we are buying eternal life we will never know if we've paid enough off. My Dad used to tell me, "It's a good thing you can't buy eternal life because you'd never be able to pay it off!"
2 - Hand over CONTROL
Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven..." Matthew 19:21Jesus asks this man to give up everything to follow Him then he will have eternal rewards. Think about it. That money doesn't just represent wealth, it also represents his power over his own life and others. It's his security in life and his comfort. It's his control over his own happiness and destiny. Jesus is literally asking him to give everything up!
We all want to be in control over our own happiness and destiny. We may not do it with money but we do try to stay control of our lives in other ways. Maybe it's family that we are using to guarantee our happiness, "If I can just keep this family together then I'll be happy and worth something!" Maybe we use our studies, "If I just get that top mark I can be happy and look other people in the eye!" Maybe our jobs, "If I work hard to get that promotion then I'll be happy and people will look up to me!"
These are all ways we try to be our own saviour. But the truth is we are not and can not be in control of these things. They are harsh task masters. If we do well they only ask us for more and when we fail they crush us! We can't control our families, they are too complex. We can't control our job security, as the recent recession taught us.
If we want to find true eternal happiness we need to quit saving ourselves and hand over control of our destinies to Jesus. That is the cost! EVERYTHING!
3 - And FOLLOW Jesus
"...and come, follow me." Matthew 19:21
But it shouldn't be seen as loosing control. It's handing control over to the only person who can handle it... Jesus! The big questions though that might stop us are 1) Can he be trusted with my destiny? and 2) Is it worth it?
The answer to both those questions is really the same. Firstly, he knows what it means to give up everything. The Bible teaches that Jesus is God and that he left the joys and perfection of Heaven to be born in a pugnant stable and to experience absolute poverty in comparison. In the Gospels we see Him give up his job and family to befriend outcasts and sinners in order to give them hope. We see Him abandoned by His friends and be left alone and naked. Then we see the giver of life Himself nailed to a cross and killed! Jesus knows what it's like to lose control.
But the real amazing thing isn't in what he gave up, it's found in the why he did it. He did it for you and me!
Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
He did it for the joy set before Him. He had everything except you and me. We were lost in sin and rebellion and if He didn't step in we would have been lost from relationship with Him forever! We were Jesus joy and His true treasure, worth more to Him than the riches of Heaven! And because we were Jesus' treasure, He can be ours and can be completely trusted!
Jesus is the only Saviour we can have that accepts us as we are and when we fail Him completely forgives and loves us. Eternal Life is knowing this Jesus and having a relationship with Him forever and it starts now!
Don't be religious give your control over to Jesus!
“He Is No Fool Who Gives What He Cannot Keep to gain That Which He Cannot Lose!” Jim Elliot